At Immaculata Regional High School we have implemented the BC Science program for our junior students. In addition to a traditional textbook, this program includes a workbook for each student along with access to web-based enrichment material.
We offer courses at the senior levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Here we strive to prepare our students for their post-secondary endeavors using an approach that includes both academic and hands on components. Tutorials for extra help and exam preparation are offered weekly in most of these courses.
We have students annually participate in Science Fair, and have had a number of students recognized for their outstanding achievement.
Socials Studies
Social Studies 8, 9, 10 and 11 are courses required for high school graduation. The content varies with each grade level but geographic and historical focus is common as is the teaching of the knowledge and skills necessary to master the next grade level. Current events are stressed throughout the grades. The Social Studies Department also offers the following electives: Social Justice 12 and Law 12.
Studying a language through to grade twelve is not required to graduate, but is highly recommended for a well-rounded education. Immaculata’s French department begins to focus in Grades 8 and 9 on speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. This is accomplished through many engaging activities. Students also learn about French culture through film, videos, technology, and field trips. Senior students will increase their vocabulary and grammatical skills and become more proficient at speaking French as there is a strong emphasis on communication skills.
Immaculata also offers an Introductory Spanish 10 and Spanish 11, which follow a similiar program as our French program providing well rounded opportunites to discover the culture as well as the language.
Health And Career Education
Grade 8 to 10 students participate in weekly workshops with various speakers from the community or staff members. Students begin to look at and plan for their future education and career ambitions. Furthermore we discuss a wide variety of issues surrounding health including drug abuse, nutrition, exercise, stress management and healthy relationships. As part of this course students are also required to complete thirty hours of community service. Given that community service includes serving school, church or community, many organizations have benefited from our students assistance.
Information And Communications Technology
We are pleased to offer all students of Immaculata Regional High School access to the school's computers, computer network and the Internet. Courses are offered in each grade and are available to all students.
Information Literacy: positive attitudes toward technology, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills related to the use of technology, lifelong learning patterns and skills, and knowledge relevant to careers in ICT.
We offer three streams of mathematics in grades 11 and 12; Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics, Foundations of Mathematics, and Pre-Calculus. In addition grade 12 students can elect to study Calculus 12 in preparation for college courses. In grade 10 students follow either Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics or Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus. In grade 8 and 9 students follow a comprehensive mathematics program. All mathematics courses follow the Western and North Canadian Protocol (WNCP).
English is required in Grades 8 through 12 for high school graduation. English courses at each grade level focus on the study of language and literature with emphasis on reading, writing, viewing, listening, speaking and informational literacy skills. Students study and interpret texts from contemporary and historical periods. The work in each year's English course builds upon the concepts that have been acquired in previous years. Emphasis is placed on a student's ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing. The English Department also offers courses that meet the needs of students who struggle with English.
Physical And Health Education
The goal of the Physical and Health Education program at Immaculata is to develop skills and knowledge that will lead to life-long participation in physical activities. The PHE 8-10 classes focus on the development of the whole person through physical literacy and social health. Through the PHE 8-10 program, students are introduced to a number of physical activities in order to develop sport-specific skill, knowledge, and in support of students’ athletic pursuits, both in-and-out of the school. The Active Living 11-12 program provides further opportunities for students to develop an understanding of the recreation opportunities available throughout Kelowna.
Graduation Transitions 11 & 12
Graduation Transitions 12 is required for graduation in British Columbia. It is an opportunity for students to reflect on their knowledge and abilities and to prepare for a successful transition to life after secondary school. Students will form a plan for life after graduation by collecting evidence of their achievements in the following required areas: Personal Health, Community Connections and Career & Life.
Student Support Services
This department supports the learning assistance and Special Education at Immaculata Regional High School. The program is currently operated by a Student Support Services Coordinator, a special education teacher along with an experienced team of Educational Assistants. Programs are tailored to the individual student’s needs whether it is a few classroom accommodations or a completely modified program. Specialists such as vision and hearing teachers, speech and language pathologists, and occupational therapists, are contracted by the school both as consultants for the classroom teachers or to supply direct services to students. It is the aim of the program to assist all students in being successful with their educational goals.