Safer Schools Together

erase is all about building safe and caring school communities . This includes empowering students, parents, educators and the community partners who support them to get help with challenges, report concerns to schools, and learn about complex issues facing students. Click here for more information.

Technology changes every single day making it nearly impossible to keep up with it all. This Parent’s Guide to Raising Digitally Responsible Youth gives you what you need to know to stay in the loop about the most popular applications (apps) and trends.
Ever wondered what your kids are talking about? Check out this guide to Internet lingo and slang terms.
For more resources like this check out the Safer Schools Together website.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health problems for children and youth, for expert tolls and resources to help manage anxiety, visit
There is even an app you can download based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, develop more effective ways of thinking, and use active steps to take charge of your anxiety.

EASE at Home
It can be hard for adults to know what to say or do to ease a child’s worries, especially during times of change and uncertainty. As the most important big people in their world, parents and caregivers can help children feel safer and soften the sharp edges of whatever is making their worries grow.
To help support learning across environments, several fun and practical EASE lessons have been adapted for use by parents and caregivers to help children manage worries and anxiety at home.
EASE at Home website:

Open Parachute - Recourses for Parents
This program provides you with access to an online video-series with information on how to support your child's development through adolescence and the many challenges they may face. The program provides tools for addressing well-being concerns that typically occur as children developmentally mature. It is common for these various difficulties to arise for children at any age, and you can refer back to these resources at any time based on what you are noticing in your child. The topics covered are listed below:
Pre-Teens: Resilience, Empathy, Social Media, Saying No
Teens: Bullying, Trauma, Acting Out, Self-Esteem
Mature Teens: Mental Health, Addictive Patterns, Boundaries & Consent, Anxiety & Depression
These resources can be used individually or as a group, and provide you with tools for having difficult but important conversations with your child, building empathy and accountability in your child, and staying connected to your child as they move through their adolescent years.