
The overall governance of the schools lies with the Board of Directors of the Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese (CISND).  The president of the Board of Directors is the Bishop of Nelson.  The Vicar of Education and Vicar General of the Diocese are ex-officio members of the Board.  In addition to the aforementioned, there is one pastor associated with the schools and six lay members nominated from each community.  The Superintendent of Schools and the Financial Director for the diocese are non-voting members of the Board of Directors.

The Board is responsible for the overall philosophy of the schools as well as the development of policies and procedures affecting the schools.  The Board requires the assistance of local School Councils to support them in their endeavors.  School Councils are responsible to the Board and deal with such areas as: annual school budget, ways and means, buildings and maintenance, local policy, public relations, and marketing and development.  Parent Support Groups exist in each school and are there to support the School Council and Principal.

The CISND is a member of the CISCBC, FISABC and CCSTA.


Bishop Gregory J. Bittman

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The Diocese of Nelson is blessed to have Catholic schools in our midst. In addition, we are doubly blessed with dedicated teachers and support staff to educate our children in the Faith.

Along with the home and parents as first educators, and the parish, where our Faith is nourished and celebrated, Catholic schools are integral in the formation of our children in the Catholic Faith. There, the message of the Gospel is proclaimed and every child is helped to know and love Jesus, who desires above all to be known and loved by us.

Our Catholic schools make certain that our Faith community and our society will have future leaders and active and caring citizens who will contribute to the common good, and build a world based on justice, truth and peace.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support of our Catholic schools. God bless you.

Sincerely in Christ our Lord,

Gregory J Bittman

Bishop of Nelson

Learn more about Bishop Bittman here.



The Catholic Independent School Committee of BC (CISCBC), which includes the superintendents and one rep from each diocese, meets twice yearly to discuss and address issues affecting Catholic schools in the province.  This committee meets with the five Bishops each fall.  It is from this committee that three reps are chosen to sit on the FISA board and one of the members is chosen to attend the Canadian Catholic School Trustees Association (CCSTA) meetings on the behalf of all Catholic schools in the province.



The Federation of Independent Schools (FISA) is a non-profit society who is the voice for independent schools in British Columbia.  They lobby the government on our behalf by acting as a liaison between the schools and the government, and other educational institutions.  The FISA is dedicated to assisting independent schools in maintaining their independence while seeking fair treatment for them in legislative and financial terms.



The Canadian Catholic School Trustees Association (CCSTA) is a national organization promoting excellence in Catholic education throughout Canada.  The CCSTA works closely with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catholic organizations and the federal government to enhance and promote Catholic education.