
The Ministry of Education and Child Care (ECC) has refreshed the Expect Respect and a Safe Education (erase) website, which now features improved access to information and resources for students, adults, and school staff.

According to a letter from the ECC:

"ECC has worked with students, families, educators, and education and community partners to ensure that the new website aligns with best practices, current evidence, and reflects the needs of the sector. It provides improved accessibility to information and resources to support students, parents/caregivers, school staff, and community partners in navigating challenges, reporting concerns to schools, and learning about complex issues facing students. In addition, the website will soon be made available in both French and English. 

Using a mobile-first design, users can access topics like diversity and inclusion, mental health and substance use, and school and online safety easily and on any device. Focused collections of content for students, adults, and school staff make it quick and easy to find what’s most relevant to you. In addition, users have easier access to the Report It tool, an online reporting tool available for students to submit an anonymous report if they see or hear something of concern."