Catholic SChools Week prayer 1

From February 3 to 9, we celebrate Catholic Schools' Week across CISND.

Join us in our daily prayers.

Prayer One: Our Catholic Community 

+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen 

Holy Spirit of Light and Love, As we CELEBRATE our FAITH, fulfill in us the work begun by Jesus. Descend into our hearts and establish in them your loving dominion. Enkindle in us a renewed fidelity during this Jubilee Year of Hope. May we always be responsive to your transformative power, active with the Father and the Son from all eternity. Divine Spirit without measure, enliven our work so that we may be beacons of light in a struggling world. Let us immerse ourselves in the vibrancy of our Catholic community, where your Spirit illuminates our path with its timeless glow. Amen “I have come to set fire upon the Earth, and how I wish it were blazing already!” Luke 10:49 

Prayer Two: Gift of Catholic Education 

+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen 

God of mercy, 

We thank you for the gift of Catholic education. Our foundation is built on rock as we trust in the Lord. We remember all those in Catholic education who have gone before us, those who nurtured and sustained Catholic education. Inspired by God’s Love, we acknowledge that the promise of Catholic education is within us, that it is a promise that we live out in our schools and communities and a promise that we proclaim in acts of justice and compassion in word and deed. We make this prayer that we may live out the promise of Catholic education for many more years to come. Amen. 

Prayer Three: God’s Kingdom on Earth 

+In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen 

Good and Gracious Father, 

Thank you for all that you for all of Creation. For your Son, our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, we give praise and worship. May we live our Catholic faith with joy and passion, sharing our abundant blessings with those in need. May we share the Good News with everyone we meet. As we celebrate and proclaim your great glory, we work to build up your kingdom here on earth. 
