September 30, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is a time for us to acknowledge the past and reaffirm our commitment to reconciliation. For more information on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, please visit the link:
5 months ago, CISND
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” Read this week's Superintendent Update:
6 months ago, CISND
Super Update 4
This week, Superintendent Pamela Guilbault shares the message that Jesus is with us and for us. Read the full Superintendent Update here:
6 months ago, CISND
super update
In this week's Superintendent Update, we are reminded to "hear" with our hearts and “speak” words that are birthed of compassion, mercy, and grace. Read Superintendent Pamela Guilbault's full message:
6 months ago, CISND
Super Update 2
We are embarking on an incredible literacy-driven initiative at CISND! Learn all about our Literacy Initiative Plan by downloading this informative document explaining what is in store for our staff and students over the next three school years!
6 months ago, CISND
CISND literacy initiative plan graphic
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are Hiring! Part-Time Grade 7 Teacher. Our Lady of Lourdes - West Kelowna
Welcome back staff and students! We can't wait to see what the 2024-25 school year has in store! Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6 Visit our website, and don't forget to download our new CISND App!
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Back to School. Welcome back for another incredible year at CISND
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything CISND, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
It's everything CISND, in your pocket. Download the CISND app from the IOS App Store or Android Play Store
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
It's everything CISND, in your pocket. Download the CISND app on the App Store or Android Play Store
We're thrilled to announce the new app for CISND! It's everything CISND, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
It's everything CISND, in your pocket. Download the CISND School App on the Appstore or Google Play
Are you looking to jump-start your teaching career? Or maybe you're looking to shake things up and try something new? OLOL is ready to grow our team! We are currently accepting applications for a part-time Grade 7 teacher! Join the OLOL family and apply today! Visit the link for more information or to apply:*7slwos*_gcl_au*Nzg0MjAzNDY3LjE3MjA0NjU0MzY.*_ga*NTQzNzk2NzMxLjE3MjA0NjU0MzY.*_ga_LMRZ45EB06*MTcyMzE3MDU4Ni42LjEuMTcyMzE3MDU5MS41NS4wLjk1NTg1OTQ0Ng..#_ga=2.90141656.2110822033.1723170586-543796731.1720465436
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are Hiring! Grade 7 Teacher Parti-Time (.4 FTE)
If you are committed to providing students with the ultimate learning experience in a nurturing and safe environment, then join the Immaculata family as a French Teacher! This position includes an additional course assignment of Humanities. Learn more about this incredible opportunity at the link:*9jc3rc*_gcl_au*Nzg0MjAzNDY3LjE3MjA0NjU0MzY.*_ga*NTQzNzk2NzMxLjE3MjA0NjU0MzY.*_ga_LMRZ45EB06*MTcyMTQyMzgyNi41LjEuMTcyMTQyNTAzMC4xOS4wLjE2NjYyOTI4Nw..#_ga=2.177635180.853453932.1721423826-543796731.1720465436
6 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are Hiring! French Teacher (1.0)
Are you looking for a dynamic career in a Catholic school division that puts students first? Then join the CISND family! We are hiring in the following positions: French Teacher at Immaculata Regional High School - Kelowna, Elementary Teacher, Educational Assistant, and Early Childhood Educator at St. Michaels, and a Librarian at Our Lady of Lourdes. Visit the link for more information on these incredible career opportunities and to apply:
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are hiring! French teacher Immaculata regional high school Elementary teacher educational assistant early childhood educator Librarian
Provide a welcoming environment for students at St. Mary's School as an After School Care worker. We are currently accepting applications with a start of August 28. Learn more about this incredible opportunity at the link:
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are hiring! After School Workers
Join the CISND team as a 1.0 FTE Inclusive Education Teacher. Working collaboratively with a fellow resource teacher and the coordinator of Student Supports to meet the needs of students at the Immaculata Regional High School - Kelowna. In addition to writing IEP, this position includes one or two blocks of Humanities. Learn more about the amazing job opportunities CISND has to offer; visit our website at the link:
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We are hiring inclusive education teacher
Enjoy your Summer! May God bless our students, staff and families this summer! We will see you next School year!
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
May God Bless our Students, Staff and Families this Summer
Happy long weekend, the office will be closed until Tuesday July 2.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Happy long weekend everyone
Last day for early bird prices Catholic campers! Come Book your family for the Okanagan Catholic family camp and come enjoy fellowship and nature with us on September 6-8
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Okanagan Catholic Family Camp
Two kids playing with a giant bubble
Mother and child going down a water slide
Group of kids playing yard games
View of the sunset with pine trees and mountains and a river
Saturday was a beautify day to celebrate the 125th anniversary at St. Joseph Nelson! We loved the weather and the people at this important milestone. Thank you for being part of our community and supporting us building our future. #CatholicEducation
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Five people in front of a 125 year balloons
Cake with 125 year anniversary
Group of people in front of a 125 anniversary cake
Seven people in front of a wall
four people standing in the gym
Four people cutting a 125 anniversary cake
Join us Tonight for opening night of The Diary of Anne Frank (Kesselman) by the Mustangs Theater Company at the Old Barn Black Box Theater. The show runs for three consecutive evenings: June 5, 6, & 7 at 7:00PM. Come support the cast, $20/adult and $10/student.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Brought to you by: Mustangs Theatre Company The Diary of Anne Frank June 5,6,7 @7:00pm The Old Barn Black box theatre