We look forward to a Fine Arts Evening at Immaculata Highschool Tonight at 6:00PM. Join us for a fun night of art and culture while we #SupportFineArts #Support Education #SupportStudents in #Kelowna #CatholicEducation
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Celebrating Art & Culture at Immaculata
Join us for the School Carnival on Friday June 7th from 4:30-7:00PM at Our Lady of Lourdes! you and you're family are invited! Contact us at the ololofficae@cisnd.ca if your interested in volunteering!
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
OLOL Tiki Carnival
Okanagan Family Camp registration is live. Register for early bird pricing for this exciting event in Camp Winfield, Lake Country on September 6-8, 2024. Checkout the Okanagan Family camp website at okanadancatholic.ca to learn a little bit more about the event.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Okanagan Catholic Family Camp
Mother and child going down the water slide
View of the sunset with mountains and pine trees
Join us for today for a lighthearted musical twist on the original story of Aladdin, at Our Lady of Lourdes School! Aladdin is today, May 31 at 12:45PM and 6:00PM.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Drama Club presents Aladdin trouble Friday May 31 at 12:30 and 6 pm
Tomorrow, May 30 CISND schools is hosting a collection day of Toonies for Tuition. Send your child to school with a toonie to help support Catholic education across Canada. You can learn more about the initiative at https://ccsta.ca/initiatives/toonies-for-tuition
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We can work together to ensure every Canadian Child has the chance to be a part of a Catholic school
Toonies for Tuition
Student enrollment graphs
Join us at a production of The Diary of Anne Frank (Kesselman) by the Mustangs Theater Company at the Old Barn Black Box Theater. Next week June 5, 6, & 7 at 7:00PM.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
The Diary of Anne Frank
Staff members and community leaders. Please sign up for our Renew and Rejoice conference taking place this October. We are currently looking for facilitator proposals, they close June 21,2024. https://www.cisnd.ca/o/cisnd/page/renew-and-rejoice
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Renew and Rejoice Join us: 9-11 2024 at St. Joseph School Kelowna BC
Join us for this lighthearted musical twist on the original story of Aladdin, at Our Lady of Lourdes School! Aladdin sure to delight all ages! Its on May 31 at 12:45PM and 6:00PM.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Drama club presents Aladdin trouble
We look forward to a Fine Arts Evening at Immaculata Highschool. There will be several fun events, come see the students and #SupportFineArts #Support Education #SupportStudents in #Kelowna #CatholicEducation
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Celebrating Art & Culture at Immaculata
Have a joyful, safe and blessed weekend. From the Office of the Superintendent of Schools at CISND.
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
We pray the Lord blesses your path this weekend
This coming Thursday, May 9 is World Catholic Education Day. Wear Blue to Support Catholic Education!
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
World Catholic Education Day Wear blue to support catholic education
Happy Tuesday from CISND!
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Pile of Books
Happy Wednesday from CISND!
7 months ago, Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese
Pile of books